
Journey of life - One step at a time

Thursday, February 18, 2010

A not so happy CNY =(

Okay, if I'm not mistaken, CNY is supposed to be a happy festival where everyone, adults to children, enjoy themselves from day to night, watching TV, recieving ang pow, eating numerous types of biscuits until can skip dinner.......Ohhh, its just like a stress-free holiday, a paradise!!!

Yes, I do enjoy the starting few days of CNY. Though it do seem to be a bit boring, yet its still enjoyable to a certain extent.....Ang pows, Yee Sang, TV shows......

With the presence of Study Skills exam this Saturday, a lively, joyous, entertaining CNY have completely came to an abrupt halt! Stress and pressure rolls into the room, knocking over any single signs of happiness (These negative elements just surround me, my other family members are oblivious of these elements; joy still follow them)

Haiz....guess I'll just have to express my utmost dissatisfaction until here.....scared later inadequate revise time. So for anyone still out there enjoying the happy CNY period, please enjoy thoroughly, think of the people taking test, then you will know how LUCKY are you......so grunt no more......XD


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