
Journey of life - One step at a time

Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Return

Just realised I have cruelly abandoned my blog for almost 2 and a half weeks.....This is seriously unforgivable, especially given that I has been awarded with 3 weeks of semester holidays (sorry, I have no means of boasting, pls forgive me....), by not writing ANYTHING for 2 weeks doesn't seem to be a perfect way of utilizing my blog.....

Anyway, I have finally back to writing blog, although I'm not sure how will I persistently keep my blog alive as time flies, especially when I come across my 2nd semester timetable.....gosh, it's seriously HECTIC. Guess the 1st sem days when I can take my own sweet time attending only 2 hours of class or at most 4 hours of class per days are pretty much OVER (NOOOOOOO)

Let's summarize what I have done for these 3 weeks, is that fully utilizing the time or NOT:
- Facebooking
- watching drama
- playing computer
- reading newspaper
- attending a few gathering
- get PTPTN stuff done and ready
- getting some exercise session

Okay, this surely suggest that I AM NOT using my holidays well......with around 80-90% of the time spent in non-education related stuff, I guess its a rather unproductive (seriously) holidays.....and with 2nd semester subjects getting tougher and more compact, it does make me wonder: Am I fully prepared to face these obstacles?

Anyway, my friend Su Ann tells me that: "its holiday, must ENJOY! " Guess I'll just slack for another day and wait till sem 2 starts! XD

ps: the title of my post reminds me of the ongoing MCA political situation, Datuk Ong Ka Ting is enbracing for a sensational return to the political stage, vying for the top post from his very own replacement, Datuk Ong Tee Keat. Just keep an eye on the fight which is about to unleash!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

爱 ,千变万化







第五, 有肯忍痛割爱的,这个嘛,故事里,他并不是不爱她,只是他觉得自己搭配不上她。他爱她,却又因为年龄差距,迟迟不肯敞开心怀地爱,深怕破坏她的人生,结果就拒绝了她的示爱。(到头来还是走在一起 =.=)


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Investment Forum

Today was the 1st day of holiday. After the Eng exam yesterday which I think I didn't really did too well on the 'glass ceiling' topic, it is the start of the sem break. As 'sien' as it seems, it was just fb-ing and watching TV, rather unproductive.

By the way, I am trying to give support to my friend. He just created his own forum and had asked me to check it out. Out of curiosity and as a form of support, I did check it out. Though I am not an investment person, I found his forum quite 'investment enlightening'. The forum contains quite a number of discussions about the various investment prospects of companies. As a friend, I do think his effort is interesting and worth exploring further. So , do check this forum out. For those who like investment, I think it might hold some interesting information that may widen your thoughts on investment:
